

Membership Agreement

  1. I, (Parents/Guardians and Student Members), understand that participating in general fundraising activities is required.
  2. I understand that the success of our program is based in large part on the participation of parents.  Fundraisers will be planned at various times throughout the season.  Certain events will be conducted as general fundraising for the entire program.  It is each student's/parent's responsibility to obtain an understanding of the fundraising purposes, dates, and activities.  Information on each event will be made available on the band website.
  3. Attendance is a critical aspect of my membership within my chosen winter activity.  I will receive rehearsal and performance schedules and understand that the only reason I will be excused from them will be due to a medical/family emergency or at the discretion of the coaches.
  4. I will be responsible for my equipment (unless privately owned), which is the property of Temecula Valley High School Band and Color Guard.  I may be financially responsible for damage and/or replacement from negligent use of said property while it is in my possession.  All equipment will be returned (unless privately owned) to the Temecula Valley High School Band and Color Guard at the end of the season, or when my membership in the Temecula Valley High School Band and Color Guard is completed.
  5. I understand that as a member I must secure my own transportation to and from all offsite venues and that I will NOT be allowed to transport myself or other students to these venues.
  6. I understand and agree that the Temecula Valley High School Band and Color Guard may use my image, sound and likeness in press releases, on their website and in promotional materials related to my participation in this activity.
  7. I fully understand that this is a group activity in which my personal involvement and commitment is imperative to the group as a whole.
  8. I will abide by the code of ethics and policies set forth by TVHS band, CSBC, SCPA, WGASC, and any other organization we compete in.
  9. If collective monthly donation goals are not met, I understand that the activity could be suspended and any monies already contributed are forfeited. 
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TVHS Golden Valley Regiment (camp, rehearsals, performances, events)

TVHS Golden Bear Band (rehearsals, performances, events)

(Name of Team(s) or Activity)

Temecula Valley High School 

Participation in the aforementioned activity is strictly voluntary. The student participant and his/her parent of the team(s) /activity mentioned above agree by virtue of their signatures (below) they will hereby agree to indemnify, defend, save, and hold harmless the Temecula Valley Unified School District, its officers, agents, servants, and employees, of and from all liability, claims, workers’ compensation claims, demands, debts, suits, actions and causes of action, including wrongful death, personal injury, person property and reasonable attorney fees for the defense thereof, arising out of or in any matter connected with the participation, performance or any act or deed under or pursuant to the terms and provisions of this agreement by such indemnifying party, or its officers, agents, servants and employees. 

This agreement remains in effect through June 30, 2026. 

Additionally, the student, by virtue of their signature below agrees to abide by the rules put forth in the Student Handbook and/or Board Policy regarding their student/participant behavior during the aforementioned Activity. 

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TVHS Golden Valley Regiment (camp, rehearsals, performances, events)

TVHS Golden Bear Band (rehearsals, performances, events)

(Name of Team(s) or Activity)

Temecula Valley High School 

Participation in the aforementioned activity is strictly voluntary. The student participant and his/her parent of the team(s) /activity mentioned above agree by virtue of their signatures (below) they will hereby agree to indemnify, defend, save, and hold harmless the Temecula Valley Unified School District, its officers, agents, servants, and employees, of and from all liability, claims, workers’ compensation claims, demands, debts, suits, actions and causes of action, including wrongful death, personal injury, person property and reasonable attorney fees for the defense thereof, arising out of or in any matter connected with the participation, performance or any act or deed under or pursuant to the terms and provisions of this agreement by such indemnifying party, or its officers, agents, servants and employees. 

This agreement remains in effect through June 30, 2026. 

Additionally, the student, by virtue of their signature below agrees to abide by the rules put forth in the Student Handbook and/or Board Policy regarding their student/participant behavior during the aforementioned Activity. 

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